Neck Lift Surgery

Serving McLean, Chevy Chase and the Surrounding D.C. Area

Neck Lift Surgery Fairfax, VA

The neck and jawline play an essential role in shaping the overall facial appearance. A weak or undefined lower lower face, whether it’s a result of aging, genetics or weight loss, can throw off the balance of the facial features. Fortunately, a solution exists in a neck lift. Neck lift can effectively restore the youthful contours of the neck and jawline in ways that diet and exercise cannot.

Experience matters when performing a cosmetic procedure like a neck lift. Having trained at one of the nation’s top plastic surgery training programs, Dr. Reza Kordestani has the experience and knowledge to deliver consistently successful outcomes with neck lift. He combines his technical background with a keen artistic eye to carefully sculpt the neck and lower facial region in a way that looks both beautiful and natural-looking.

What Does Neck Lift Address?

Neck lift is an excellent choice if the upper and middle regions of your face have maintained their youthful contours but your neck and lower face have aged considerably. The procedure addresses the following:

  • Excess, saggy skin on the neck and underneath the chin caused by aging, genetics, weight fluctuations or sun damage. This is sometimes referred to as a “turkey neck”
  • Pockets of fat underneath the chin, which may cause the appearance of a “double chin”
  • Muscle banding or vertical lines on the neck
  • Wrinkles and creases on the neck skin

Your Neck Lift Consultation with Dr. Kordestani

Successful results with neck lift require collaboration between patient and surgeon. Dr. Kordestani will meet with you to personally evaluate your neck area, overall facial appearance, aesthetic needs and goals. You are encouraged to bring photographs of your desired results, as well as to view Dr. Kordestani’s before-and-after gallery to see the results of previous patients’ procedures.

In some cases, Dr. Kordestani may recommend combining neck lift with another facial rejuvenation procedure, such as facelift or cheek lift, to produce more comprehensive results. Dr. Kordestani will work closely with you to develop a treatment plan that achieves the best outcome.

Procedure Details

Dr. Kordestani performs neck lift in Woodbridge and McLean, VA and Chevy Chase, MD as an outpatient procedure, typically under general anesthesia. He begins the procedure by creating an incision that begins in the hairline at the sideburn level and continues down to the ear and ends at the lower scalp. An additional incision may be made under the chin. Through these incisions, Dr. Kordestani will carefully sculpt the underlying muscles and tissues for a tighter and more rejuvenated appearance. Unwanted fat will be removed as needed to create a more slender-looking neck and jawline. Loose skin will be excised and the remaining skin will be re-draped over the modified tissues and muscles. Once Dr. Kordestani is finished making the agreed-upon modifications, he will close the incisions using sutures and place surgical dressings over the treatment area.

Neck Lift Recovery

Neck Lift in Chevy Chase, MD

The initial recovery period for your neck lift procedure will last one to two weeks, depending on your personal healing progress. Dr. Kordestani’s team will provide you with a detailed list of guidelines for your recovery, including instructions on when you can return to work, remove your surgical bandages and begin exercising. The surgeon will also meet with you regularly for follow-up appointments to ensure you are healing properly.

The full results of neck lift can take between several months and a year to become visible. Once you are fully recovered and residual swelling has disappeared, you will notice that your jawline has more definition and your neck appears leaner. 

To learn more about neck lift and how it can help rejuvenate your facial appearance, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Kordestani. Contact his McLean or Woodbridge, Virginia plastic surgery center by calling 703-832-4000 or his Chevy Chase, Maryland practice by calling 301-232-3000.

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