Liposuction in McLean

Also Serving Chevy Chase and the Surrounding D.C. Area

Liposuction Fairfax, VA

Do you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly but still see stubborn pockets of fat? If so, liposuction may be the solution. Liposuction with a talented plastic surgeon like Dr. Reza Kordestani not only rids the body of unwanted fat but also sculpts the body’s contours for more beautiful and attractive curves. Dr. Kordestani is a highly trained plastic surgeon who stays abreast of the latest advancements in the industry to deliver consistently beautiful and natural-looking results. He believes that while many patients have similar concerns when it comes to unwanted fat, each individual has their own idea of what the ideal body looks like. Dr. Kordestani will work closely with you to turn yours into a reality.

Body Areas Liposuction Treats

Liposuction eliminates stubborn fat that is resistant to weight loss efforts. It can be used to treat many body areas including:
  • Abdomen
  • Waist
  • Back
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Knees
  • Chest area
  • Face
  • Neck
It is important to understand that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. In fact, the best candidates for the procedure are individuals who are near or at their ideal weight. In addition, liposuction does not treat cellulite, stretch marks or severe skin laxity. If, in addition to pockets of fat, you wish to tighten loose skin, Dr. Kordestani may suggest combining liposuction with another body contouring procedure, like tummy tuck. The surgeon will tailor your treatment to your individual needs and goals.

Procedure Details

Liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure, typically under anesthesia. During the procedure, Dr. Kordestani will create several small incisions in the treatment area. He will use a thin tube called a cannula to break up the fatty tissue. The unwanted tissue is removed using gentle suction. Dr. Kordestani is meticulous in his approach to liposuction. He is careful to not under-correct or overcorrect the treatment areas.

In some cases, he may re-insert fat in other body areas to create more pleasing contours. This process, called fat grafting, is often used to slim areas known to store surplus fat (e.g., abdomen, hips and waist) and augment other areas like the breasts or sunken facial areas. Once Dr. Kordestani is satisfied with the results, he will close the incisions using sutures and dress the treatment area with soft bandages and a compression garment that will protect and support the healing tissues.

Recovery and Results with Liposuction

Body Contouring Chevy Chase, MD

As you recover from your liposuction procedure, the treated area may be bruised, swollen and sore. These symptoms should subside over time. Oral pain medication may be prescribed to soothe any discomfort. Everyday activities including work, exercise, bending and lifting will be off limits during the initial recovery period. Most patients are able to resume their normal routine one to two weeks after surgery.

Once you are fully healed, you will notice that the treated area(s) is flatter and slimmer. While the results of liposuction are considered to be permanent, you should practice healthy lifestyle habits (e.g., eating a well-balanced diet and exercising) to maintain your newly improved physique.

For more information about liposuction, contact Dr. Kordestani’s office in Woodbridge and McLean, VA or Chevy Chase, MD. Please call or email to schedule a consultation.

Liposuction Marketing?

Myth: "Regular liposuction" is not as good as newer technologies such as Laserlipo® or SmartLipo®

​Truth: The newer technologies have never been proven to be better than "regular" or suction-assisted liposuction

In-office Liposuction?

Myth: Liposuction done in the office is less invasive than in the operating room

​Truth: Liposuction is equally invasive in the office as it is in the operating room. Typically, more areas can be treated thoroughly in the operating room. Fat grafting is also limited in the office.

Fat grafting with Liposuction?

Liposuction devices that add heat to the tissues with lasers or certain types of ultrasound may affect the survival of fat cells. As a result, any fat grafting using what is suctioned with these devices may have decreased survival once it is reinjected in your body.

Regular suction-assisted or power-assisted liposuction does not use any heat energy, allowing more predictability with liposuction combined with fat grafting. 

Liposuction Recovery

Myth: The recovery is easier with certain liposuction devices than others.

Truth: Liposuction recovery is more dependent on the locations that were treated and how much fat is removed than on the device used.

What is liposuction not good for?


Liposuction is also not a good solution for cellulite. Unfortunately, there is no definitive for treatment of cellulite yet despite some promising treatments

Weight loss

Liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss. Liposuction is not able to treat fat that is around the organs in the belly. Liposuction can only treat fat that can be pinched with your fingers. Weight loss as part of diet and exercise is the best way to lose fat around your organs.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are areas where the deeper layer of skin has thinned. Liposuction cannot treat stretch marks. Also, areas where the skin has stretch marks may not respond as well to liposuction since skin with stretch marks is less able to shrink to a new thinner you. This may leave you with loose skin which needs to be treated with a tummy tuck. Currently, there is no cure for stretch marks.

Loose skin

Liposuction can cause the skin to shrink to some degree, but loose, overhanging skin will not go away with liposuction. The skin is simply not able to shrink enough. In areas with loose skin, combining skin removal with liposuction is sometimes an option and can give very pleasing results.


As a policy of our office, we do not post before and after photos online in order to respect our patients' privacy. We are confident you'll be impressed with our results, and we'd be happy to show them to you at your consultation.
See Our Reviews

01 Consultation

Complimentary consultation with Dr. Kordestani to discuss YOUR goals, benefits, and risks

02 Analysis

You will have preoperative photos taken at our office. In addition, we will then review with you the areas of the body you are interested in addressing as well as our recommendations.

03 Surgery date

You select a convenient surgery day. You will go home after surgery or stay overnight in the hospital, depending on how much liposuction is performed as part of your procedure.

04 Day of Surgery

You will be seen by myself and your anesthesiologist on the day of surgery. The length of your liposuction surgery will depend on the areas being addressed and the amount removed.

05 Recovery

You will be in the recovery area for 1-2 hours before either going home or staying at the hospital. Your recovery at home will be approximately 1 week. Your liposuctioned areas may leak some fluid, be bruised, and feel sore, but you will be able to move about. You can resume light exercise in 3 weeks and weightlifting at 6 weeks.

06 Follow-up

You will be seen until 6 months postoperatively to ensure you have no complications

Interested in liposuction? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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