Breast Lift in McLean

Also Serving Chevy Chase and the Surrounding D.C. Area

Breast Lift Fairfax, VA

Some of life’s happiest and most fulfilling accomplishments can take a toll on a woman’s body, particularly the breasts. Pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight loss (in addition to the natural aging process and genetic factors) can all cause the breasts to sag and take on a shapeless or deflated appearance. While exercise and diet may help other body areas get back to what they once were, the breasts are not as fortunate. In fact, the only proven way to restore youth and perkiness to the breasts is through breast lift. Breast lift performed by a qualified plastic surgeon can help you achieve the beautiful breast shape and appearance you once had or always wanted.

Having trained at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas, one of the nation’s top training programs for plastic surgery, Dr. Reza Kordestani possesses the training and skill needed to deliver consistently successful results with breast lift. He combines his technical expertise with a natural artistic ability; he has an eye for balance and symmetry that will guide him when creating the ideal breast shape for you.

What Does Breast Lift Accomplish?

Breast lift accomplishes the following:
  • Restores a youthful appearance to sagging breasts by lifting them to a higher position on the chest wall
  • Raises downward pointing nipples to a more natural-looking position on the breast mound
  • Resizes overly large or stretched out areolas
  • Reshapes flat or asymmetrical breasts

Your Breast Lift Consultation with Dr. Kordestani

Dr. Kordestani performs each breast lift procedure using an individualized approach. He understands that there is no “one-size-fits-all” ideal breast shape and appearance. During your initial consultation with him, the surgeon will ask you questions about what you dislike about your breasts. He will also ask you to describe your ideal results. Many women find it helpful to bring photographs of other women with a similar body shape to theirs and with the results they seek. After evaluating your full medical history, explaining the details of the procedure and examining your breasts, Dr. Kordestani will design your unique breast lift procedure.

Procedure Details

Breast lift is performed as an outpatient procedure, typically under general anesthesia. Dr. Kordestani usually makes the incisions for breast lift in the bottom crease of the breast and around the areola. Through these incisions, he reshapes the breast tissue before raising the breast mound higher on the chest wall. Internal sutures may be placed to support the re-contoured breast tissue. Next, Dr. Kordestani trims excess skin and redrapes the remaining skin over the breast. Oversized areolas are resized, and downward pointing nipples are also corrected during the procedure. To finish the procedure, Dr. Kordestani will close the incisions with sutures and place surgical bandages and a compression garment to support the healing breasts.

Breast lift may be combined with another breast procedure to also address breast size and volume. For instance, if you desire larger and fuller breasts, Dr. Kordestani may place breast implants. Or, he may perform breast reduction with lift to create smaller breasts that are more proportionate to your overall figure. Dr. Kordestani will discuss these options with you during the consultation phase.

Recovering from Breast Lift

Mastopexy Procedure Washington DC

Committed to patient safety, Dr. Kordestani will play an active role in your recovery and aftercare, meeting with you several times for follow-up appointments. The initial recovery period will take one to two weeks, depending on your personal healing progress. Most normal activities, including work, exercise, bending and lifting your arms over your head, will be off limits during this time. Side effects are minor but include swelling, bruising and soreness. Dr. Kordestani can prescribe oral pain medication to manage any post-op discomfort you may feel.

To discuss your breast lift options, please schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Kordestani. Contact his practice in Woodbridge and McLean, VA or Chevy Chase, MD by calling or emailing us today.

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